REGISTRATION • A non-refundable $40 individual or $50 family registration fee is due on date of registration. Late registration will be $50 for individual and $60 for family. Late registration starts August 1st. • The Instructor has the final decision as to your child's placement. Placement will be determined by age and/or ability. • Dance schedules will be e-mailed out at least 3 weeks prior to the start of dance. Please make sure that you have listed a WORKING e-mail address. If you do not have one, please list mailing address. • Registration forms will be available on the studio website. Make sure that you include in the "comments" section any special hours or days that you cannot attend. • Once schedule is made, there will be NO CHANGES.
DANCE ATTIRE • Appropriate attire and dance shoes will be required for all classes. • Shoes and costumes should all be labeled. Dance Infinity is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
CLASSROOM RULES • NO food or drinks allowed in dance rooms. Water will be allowed in classrooms. • NO chewing gum allowed. • No bathroom breaks during class. All students should go before classes start.
BEHAVIOR • Dance Infinity does not have a daycare. Students who are dropped off for classes must have a ride waiting at the end of class. They should remain inside if their ride happens to be late. Younger students should be walked in by adult or watched until they have entered into building. • Children must not be left unattended in lobby. No running or playing will be allowed. • Disruptive behavior will not be permitted. If it occurs repeatedly, parents will be contacted. If it still continues, your child will be sent out of class.
STUDIO CLOSINGS • Dance Infinity will operate according to Bladen County School's schedule, as far as school holidays. However, in the case of teacher work days, the studio WILL be open. We will go with Bladen County Schools on weather closings unless otherwise notified. If you have any questions on closings, please call the studio. **In the event of extreme weather, unforeseen circumstances, emergencies, or government mandated shutdowns there will be no refunds provided for missed classes. If these shutdowns last for longer than two consecutive weeks we will then provide makeup classes. Due to the nature of the closure or shutdown these make-up classes may be provided via an online platform.**
TUITION • All dance fees MUST be kept up to date. No student will be able to participate in dance classes if their account is more than 30 days past due. Any money received from delinquent accounts will first be applied to past due fees. No student will be allowed to perform in recitals or any competitions unless their entire account is current. Dance fees are due the first week of every month. -There will be a $10 late fee added to your account on the 15th of the month.
You can pay for dance fees via your parent portal or cash/check. • There will be a $25 fee for any returned checks. • There will be no refunds for missed classes. • A full months tuition is required September - May. When a month is shortened by recital or holidays, full tuition is still required to help with recital expenses. This also covers the recital rehearsals.
If by chance, your child should drop out of dance before the end of the dance year, you will be expected to pay for an additional month of dance. This pays for the added work of having to change routines, formations, etc.
COSTUMES • Costumes will be ordered around November. Each child is required to order a costume. Students will be measured at the studio and costumes will be ordered according to those measurements. Any costumes exchanges and shipping fees for exchanges will be paid by the parent. • You are required to pay a costume deposit of $25 per class in August, another $25 per class in October. The balance MUST be paid in full by November. All costumes dues are NON-REFUNDABLE! If you do not make a deposit by October, your child's costumes will not be ordered. • If your child's costume is not paid for, it will NOT be ordered and they will not dance.
COMPETITION CLASSES • Dance Infinity instructors will decide which classes go to competition. • Competition students are not allowed to miss more than 3 classes during the year. • Extra practices are MANDATORY and there will be an extra practice fee. • Sickness and family emergencies are exceptions. • If your child is not coming to class or not catching on quick enough they will not be allowed to participate in competition.
COMPETITION FEES Competition fees MUST be paid in full by the dates given to you. If your fees are not paid in full, the studio will not pay your fees. In the event that a competition is cancelled and they will not return fees, we will not be able to refund those fees until the competition refunds us.
PARENTS • Parents are not allowed in dance rooms during class. I will assign certain days that parents are allowed to observe. • If you have questions about your child's progress, contact the instructor AFTER CLASS.
SUMMER CLASSES • Summer classes will be offered. -- TBA
EXTRA • Dance Infinity plans to have an annual production at the end of the year. • Dance Infinity does not carry medical insurance for its students; therefore is it imperative that students be covered by their own family insurance. • Permission is required for your child to be involved in any video or photography that is taken during any Dance Infinity activities.
** All information will be posted on Dance Infinity's website and on the bulletin boards each week. Please make a point to read.
** If your child is going to be late or miss class call or text 910-991-1240 to let us know.